carbon bromine (atomic symbol: CBr4) is a colorless, crystalline, nonflammable organic compound that has several industrial applications. It is a solvent for greases, waxes and oils, and is used in the plastic and rubber industry for blowing, vulcanization and polymerization.
It is also an ingredient in fire-resistant chemicals and various photochemical compounds. It is also used to separate minerals due to its high density.
In addition to the crystalline form, carbon bromine is available in ultra high purity, water soluble equimolar or tetraethylammonium form for crystal growth applications. It is generally immediately available in most volumes, and can be purchased by the gram or kilogram.
HCFC-142b is a chemically distinct isomer of HCFC-142. The lower-case b refers to a specific arrangement of atoms that does not have any relationship to the structural formula, but it is important for identification purposes.
In order to determine the rate of dehalogenation of 1,6-dibromohexane, cyclic voltammetry was performed in the presence and absence of 2 mM Ni(II) salen. The electrocatalytic reduction of the C-Br moiety of 1,6-dibromohexane was observed to be a first-order process that showed a linear increase toward the end of the electrolysis (curve A, black solid line). Cyclic voltammetry was recorded using a glassy carbon electrode, and ex situ GC analysis was employed to monitor the consumption of the n-hexane product. During the first 20 min of the electrolysis, n-hexane was consumed at a steady rate, but the amount increased and decreased at different rates in the following 14 minutes.